General Aims

The Level 5 Paddlesurf course aims to provide the candidates with the necessary skills and knowledge to paddle safely in advanced surf conditions* and help promote awareness of safety procedures within a group of peers.

*Advanced surf can be defined as:

Beach break or reef (4’- 5’ or shoulder to head high) wave face. However if wave size is small on reefs then beach breaks or sand bars that offer suitable conditions can be used.

Attendance Requirements

Before applying to attend a Level 5 Paddlesurf Skills Assessment, a candidate must:

  • Have attended an approved Level 5 Paddlesurf Training programme within the 24 month period preceding a selected assessment date.
  • Have recorded in a Level 5 Paddlesurf Skills logbook a minimum of 10 Surf sessions (2 – 3 hours min) in advanced surf conditions in at least 3 different locations (reefs/beach-breaks).
  • Possess a current and approved First Aid Certificate (for example REC Level 3).

Requirements for the Level 5 Paddlesurf Skills Award

  1. The Level 5 Paddlesurf Skills Award requires that a candidate attend a training course prior to assessment. The course for the Level 5 Paddlesurf Skills may be held over one or two weekends.
  2. The training course aims to provide the candidates with the necessary skills and knowledge to help develop Paddlesurfing and help promote awareness of safety procedures.
  3. Paddling out through surf. Managing set waves and using a repertoire of skills to get out back- These will include timing, sprinting, climbing whitewater and rolling under waves.
  4. Pivoting turns and late take offs – Athletes control a tight tail pivot and use the buoyancy of the ski or boat to aid take off.
  5. Catching unbroken waves. Athletes should demonstrate a variety of take offs to gain best position and maximum power from wave. Athletes should also demonstrate critical take offs under the lip with the intention of setting up advanced manoeuvres such as barrels, re-entries and aerials.
  6. Surfing an unbroken wave- Athletes must demonstrate a solid interpretation of the waves ridden. A maximum change in speed, direction and height should be evident. The wave must be used to its full with the rider extracting as much power and potential from the wave as possible.
  7. Maintain directional control- Floating whitewater to regain green wave.
  8. ‘Closing scissors’ connection of upper and lower body – Athletes should move weight and pivot point of ski to correspond with wave and desired outcomes/manoeuvres.
  9. Bottom turns- Demonstrate a variety of bottom turns appropriate to wave, to maintain run and set up for advanced manoeuvres.
  10. Top turns- Executed on the lip to gain as much height as possible. The ski or boat should be snapped loose where top turns are on fatter or softer sections of the wave.
  11. Cutbacks-. The ski or boat should turn to face the whitewater and if possible snapped from the water to release the hull.
  12. Roundhouse cutbacks- At this level athlete’s must demonstrate a full carving roundhouse cutback. The ski or boat should be driven off the shoulder into the whitewater in an ‘S’ pattern.
  13. Floaters- Paddlesurfers must demonstrate floating small sections of wave to maintain speed and wave.
  14. Re-entry- Riders at this level should be presenting the hull of the ski or boat to the lip to gain height before dropping back in to the wave with more speed to continue ride. This should be demonstrated off the lip and off oncoming shoulder/whitewater.
  15. Attempting aerials- Hitting the lip or oncoming whitewater with the intention of throwing the craft airborne. The paddler should show commitment and control throughout. It is not acceptable to surf to the lip and hope for the best.
  16. Attempting regains- Riders should be deliberately climbing whitewater with the intention of regaining the green wave.
  17. Rolling-Consistently rolling in surf and under set waves whilst paddling out or maintaining position in the line-up.

Show beginnings of:

  • A high awareness of trim line and riding a high line.
  • Rail control & pumping rail during diagonal run.
  • Aerials.
  • Cover ups and barrels.
  • Re-entry off a roundhouse cutback.
  • Regains – Whitewater climbing to regain green wave.
  • Re-entrys.
  • Paddleout take offs.

    1. Can release belt or spraydeck when capsized.
    2. Can surf in lying on ski or boat holding paddle.
    3. Can control ski or boat and paddle in whitewater.
    4. Can remount ski from waist depth water. Can paddle swamped boat to safety
    5. Swim to shore from behind the breakline.
    6. Can surf in with 2 paddles.
    7. Wade out and retrieve equipment.
    8. Can piggyback rescue a swimmer and shepherd a swimmer to shore
    9. Identify potential hazards in marine environment.
    10. Can carry out an X rescue behind the breakline.
    11. Can roll
    1. Surf etiquette & Knowledge of Safety Rules.

    2. An understanding of the effects of the wind on the sea with particular reference to the danger of offshore winds. The candidate should show an understanding of what is meant by a leeshore. dumping surf, riptides and tide races.

    1. The Level 5 Paddlesurf Skills Award requires that a candidate attend a training course prior to assessment.  The course for the Level 5 Paddlesurf Skills may be held over one or two weekends.
    2. The training course aims to provide the candidates with the necessary skills and knowledge to help develop paddlesurfing and help promote awareness of safety procedures within the surf environment.

    Applying to attend a training course

    Before applying to attend a Level 5 Paddlesurf Skills Training Course a candidate must

    1. Hold the Level 4 Paddlesurf Skills Award.
    2. Have unrestricted access to a fully equipped waveski or surf specific kayak, personal equipment, and additional equipment as deemed necessary.
    3. Be at least 18 years of age.

    Assessment Guidelines

    1. A Level 5 Paddlesurf Skills Award can only be assessed by a registered member of the Level 5 Paddlesurf Skills Assessor Panel.
    2. It is recommended that the award is assessed by an Instructor other than the Instructor who has run the training course leading to assessment.
    3. The assessment ratio is a maximum of 4 candidates to 1 assessor with a minimum of 2 candidates to 1 assessor.
    4. Clear guidelines should be given in writing should a candidate fail an assessment as to the areas which need to be improved upon.
    5. Candidates cannot depend on any assistance (material or practical) during the course of an assessment.
    6. No other award or qualification can be assessed during a Level 5 Paddlesurf Skills Assessment.