
Code of Conduct for Young Athletes

Coaches Code of Conduct

Parents Code of Conduct

Canoeing Ireland Safeguarding Policy

Canoeing Ireland Safeguarding Statement

Canoeing Ireland Risk Assessment

Sport Ireland Safeguarding


Canoeing Ireland Governance Policy

Data Protection Policy

Volunteer Integrity, Equality & Dignity

Disability & Inclusion Policy

FARC Terms of Reference

Disciplinary & Appeals process

Athlete Appeals process

Fixed Asset Control Procedure

Public Statement of Compliance

Communication & Social Media Policy

Brand and Communication Guidelines

Brand Guidelines and Usage

Training & Qualifications

Course Application Form

Coaching Course Completion Form


Trailer Towing Policy

Anti-Doping Policy

Canoeing Ireland fully opposes the use of drugs in sport and subscribes to the National Anti-Doping Programme as set out by Sport Ireland. For more information about the National Anti-Doping Programme please see here. By applying for Membership of Canoeing Ireland you agree to subscribe to the Irish Sports Council policy on Anti-Doping. Note that Canoeing Ireland’s policy is that doping is contrary to the spirit of sport and every member has a duty to ensure that the sport is free of doping. Canoeing Ireland fully subscribes to the Irish Sports Council Anti-Doping Policy & Procedures. According to these, under the strict liability rule, members are responsible for any substance that may be found in their bodies.