Risk Assessment Forms

Please fill in the forms below for your specific event or competition. Forms should be emailed in to info@canoe.ie at a minimum of two weeks before the event to allow time for process.

Inland Event Risk Assessment

Sea Event Risk Assessment

Pool Event Risk Assessment

NOTE: Forms are to be completed by all Clubs and Committees before each event.


Below are the links and forms for instructors and tutors required to run the various training courses and assessments that make up the Canoeing Ireland Awards and Qualifications Scheme. Apart from the forms at the bottom of the page, All forms for Instructors and Tutors of Canoeing Ireland can be done through your Database logon.

To apply for a Logbook Extension: Click here.

On Google drive, please do the following and share with Canoeing.ireland@gmail.com.

  1. Inside that folder create a folder with the student’s name.
  2. They need
    1. Garda vetting letter.
    2. 1st Aid.
    3. Child Protection.
    4. Current Member.
  3. You can see all this ticked on their profiles on the DB, if these are not filled in, the system will not allow you add the student. Please email me if you have any questions.
  4. If you wish to save the Logbook check list and Crib card in the google drive, you can.