Date: Sunday 28th May
Start Time: 12.00
Duration: 2 – 3 hours
Registration: €10
The Liffey Odyssey is a leisurely 8 kilometre Canoe journey on the River Liffey through the heart of Dublin from Island Bridge to the East Link Bridge. It is being run as a fundraiser for CMRF – Crumlin (Crumlin Children’s Hospital) and proudly supported by I-Canoe and Dublin Port Company. This event is open to the general public – however all participants must satisfy the organisers they have sufficient ability to participate. Open Canoes are the preferred craft however it is open to other craft that use a paddle such as Kayaks, Sit-on-Tops, Stand –Up- Paddle Boards and Rafts. It is primarily intended to be a fun day out to raise much needed funds for Crumlin Children’s Hospital.
Fancy Dress is strongly encouraged
Further details will be posted on Liffey Odyssey Facebook page