Monthly Archives: August 2020

Liffey Descent 2020 Cancellation

In the interest of the safety and welfare of participants and volunteers Canoeing Ireland have made the difficult decision to cancel the 61st Liffey Descent. We would like to thank everyone involved in the race for their continued support, and hope our participants understand the reasons behind this decision. The race will return in September [...]

By |2020-08-29T16:03:53+01:00August 29th, 2020| News|Comments Off on Liffey Descent 2020 Cancellation

Return to Paddling Guidelines Rephasing

With new government guidelines having been issued on Tuesday 18th August we would like to offer some guidance to our members and clubs on what this means for paddlesports. With COVID-19 cases being back on the rise we are all responsible for doing our part in keeping ourselves and others safe. We can only [...]

By |2020-08-19T13:05:13+01:00August 19th, 2020| News|Comments Off on Return to Paddling Guidelines Rephasing

2020 Annual General Meeting Draft Minutes

We would like once again to extend our thanks to our members and stakeholders who attended the 59th AGM, held last Thursday 13th August. While these uncertain times necessitated us moving the AGM to a new platform, being held online, we were still able to run a very successful meeting, all credit to our [...]

By |2020-08-19T09:21:43+01:00August 19th, 2020| News|Comments Off on 2020 Annual General Meeting Draft Minutes

59th Canoeing Ireland Annual General Meeting 2020

Canoeing Ireland would like to thank all of our members who attended and participated in the 59th Canoeing Ireland Annual General Meeting. While these unprecedented times resulted in an unfamiliar setting for our AGM, being held online, we are glad we were still able to engage with our members and have their voices heard. [...]

By |2020-08-13T20:40:36+01:00August 13th, 2020| News|Comments Off on 59th Canoeing Ireland Annual General Meeting 2020
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