Irish Canoe Union Limited trading as Canoeing Ireland (“the Company”)
Sunday, 19th May 2019 at 2pm.
Irish Sport HQ, National Sports Campus, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15
19th April 2019
Dear Club Secretary/Member,
In accordance with Article 17 of the Irish Canoe Union’s Constitution, notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of the Company will be held at 2pm on Sunday 19th May 2019 in Irish Sport HQ, National Sports Campus, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15.
Clubs registered with Canoeing Ireland are eligible to attend and vote at the AGM. Clubs should try to ensure that at least one club representative, eligible to vote, attends the AGM. Individual senior members registered with Canoeing Ireland are also eligible to attend and vote at the AGM. Further important information on the AGM and voting rights and procedures are contained in Rule 10.
Nominations must be submitted on the official nomination form, which is circulated with this notice, outlining the relevant experience and qualifications of the candidate which will be made available to all Members having voting rights. The procedure for Nominations is set out in Rule 11. The deadline for receipt of queries on Accounts is 5pm on Friday the 3rd of May 2019.
applications for Board positions
*Please note: Canoeing Ireland implemented a new Chart of Accounts during 2018 which reassigned the cost centre of certain expenses. The new structure will be fully realised at end of year 2019.
Nominations for the following positions are invited:
Positions to be filled | Term |
President | 2 years |
Honorary Treasurer | 2 years |
Executive Member | 2 years |
Dublin Representative | 2 years |
Munster Representative | 2 years |
Connacht / Ulster Representative | 1 year |
Non-Olympic Discipline Representative* | 2 years |
Olympic Discipline Representative** | 1 year |
Training, Coaching & Accreditation Representative*** | 1 year |
* Nomination for this position shall be from the Chairs of the WW Racing, Marathon, Surf, Polo and Freestyle Technical Committees.
** Nomination for this position shall be from the Chairs of the Slalom, Sprint Committees.
*** Nomination for this position shall be from the Chair of the Training and Development Unit.
Rules 15 and 16 cover the operations of the Board and Executive Committee and Rules 17-24 cover the roles and responsibilities of Board members.
A motion may be put forward by any two paid up Member Clubs or a bloc of 10 Individual members, provided it deals with a single subject and it is approved by the committees of the nominating and seconding Clubs or signed by all 10 Individual members. Motions should be notified in writing, on the official motion form, which is circulated with this notice, countersigned by the chairpersons of the nominating and seconding clubs. The procedure for Motions is set out in Canoeing Ireland Rule 13.
Copies of the statutory financial statements together with Directors and Auditors reports are circulated with this notice. Member’s queries relating to the financial statements shall be submitted to the Honorary Secretary, in writing, not less than 14 days before the date of the meeting and a response shall be published not later than 7 days before the date of the meeting.
All Nominations / Motions / queries on the financial statements should be notified in writing to the Honorary Secretary of Canoeing Ireland no later than close of business on Friday 03rd May 2019 by post to Canoeing Ireland, Irish Sport HQ, National Sports Campus, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15. or email to
The company’s Constitution and Rulebook can be inspected or downloaded from
Yours in Sport,
Brian Ogilvie
Honorary Secretary
- President’s opening address
- Apologies and correspondence
- Adoption of the Agenda for the 58th Annual General Meeting
- Adoption of Standing Orders for the 58th Annual General Meeting
- Confirmation of the Quorum for the 58th Annual General Meeting
- Minutes of the 57th (2018) Annual General Meeting
- Presentation and adoption of the Board’s Report & Review
- Presentation and adoption of the draft Audited Accounts 2018
- Motions received (2019 MOTIONS FORM).
- Nominations and election of members to the Board of Directors ( NOMINATION FORM FOR BOARD POSITIONS).
- Appointment of Auditor
- President’s closing address