We have an issue of Flowstate packed with the usual favourites on the way. Also in the upcoming edition are some new articles and more of the voices of our incredible members and clubs. Among these great articles is an interview with the recently elected President of Canoeing Ireland, Lynda Byron. Voted in at the recent AGM, Lynda is our first ever female President, a great day for diversity in the organisation.
Lynda brings 13 years of paddlesport experience, mainly spent in open canoes, to the role, along with a year already spent on the board. We cant wait to see the experience and passion that Lynda is sure to bring to the role, and how she will help us continue to develop diversity and inclusion in Canoeing Ireland.
Make sure to check out the 2021 issue of Flowstate, landing on Monday 13th December, to get more insights into Lynda’s journey in paddlesports, encouraging more women into leadership and a whole lot more.