After a huge body of work from the Canoeing Ireland staff we are pleased to publish the 2020 Awards Scheme Review. The report provides an analysis and evaluation of the Canoeing Ireland Awards Scheme. Methods of analysis include consultation with users and stakeholders and benchmarking against international best practice. Further information on methods used to gather data and the respondent demographic can be found throughout the document. Results of data analysed show that while it is recognised by stakeholders that the Awards Scheme content and delivery is meeting the needs of the community, there are areas for improvement which are listed below and in the document itself.

1. Highlight & enhance the Junior Pathway
2. Future changes to the Awards Scheme should
reflect and address stakeholder and partner
3. Changes should reflect best practice and
modern techniques
4. Development of coaching awards
5. Resource strategically important courses
6. Improve administration associated with the
Awards Scheme
7. Improve communications with member
8. Strengthen revalidation & CPD System
9. Developing mentoring processes within
Awards Scheme
10. Revise logbook process and format
11. Address gaps between awards
12. Develop additional resources
13. Facilitate Award Scheme review every 5

These recommendations and the associated actions are explained in full in the recommendations, conclusions and actions chapter.

The Board of Canoeing Ireland welcomes the publication of the Awards Scheme Review and its recommendations. We would like to thank our members and stakeholders who contributed to the report and everyone who was involved in its preparation, evaluation and analysis.