Further to a recent examination of the RSR3 and WRT syllabi it is the conclusion of the TDU committee that due to fundamental differences between the two they are not equivalent and prerequisites specifying an RSR award cannot be satisfied with a WRT award.
The RSR 3 aims to enable candidates to:
Understand appropriate equipment for grade 3 water (paddle sport specific)
Develop an understanding of safe practices on grade 3 water (paddle sport specific)
Course outline:
Safe Practices and accident prevention methods – CLAP
Risk assessment & decision making
Safety zones & leadership
Safe river running methods
Rescues – chase boating, barging, towing, carries, rescues (paddle sport specific)
Since the WRT course is not paddle specific the two awards are seen as inequivalent.
A suggestion for providers who wish to cater for kayakers interested in both awards would be to run a joint WRT/RSR 3 course. Essentially the participants would complete the course with two awards. To achieve this the providers will need to work within both Rescue 3 and Canoeing Ireland guidelines, ratios and best practices.