HER Outdoors Week (14th – 20th August) is an initiative run by Sport Ireland Outdoors department which aims to encourage women throughout Ireland to find a love for the outdoors, and share their love for the outdoors with those who may not have had access in the past. There is a focus this year on increasing diversity in the women who are gaining access to the outdoors and as paddlers we are in a fantastic position to share our love of this sport!

Canoeing Ireland are back again this year with HER PADDLE JOURNEY – an event created to support HER Outdoors Week. We would like to capture the amount of paddling that women are doing throughout Ireland by recording the distance that we are all paddling during those dates, can we paddle around the world, by Women from around the world?

We want as many individuals as possible to join the community and the journey and help us paddle as far as possible.

Check out the distance tracker below so you can stay up to date on how far we’ve paddled!

Find all the information you need on getting in the document below also –